Page 14 - Dec15
P. 14

Winter WisdomFlying through the pit of winter, when life-	A wise old north-country pilot once told me “Son,threatening wind chills and unusable runwaysare distinct possibilities, is not for the faint of temperament. It takes devotion to the cause to tug an airplane out onto a slippery ramp in the dark, perform a perfunctory preflight with numb fingers, and race snowstorms to the destination’s final approach course. Wintertime flying is a tiresome chore, and if you live in the balmy southlands but make occasional trips northward, you are going to be doubly challenged.Dealing with winter’s difficulties calls for an annual renewing of dormant skills. It’s a time to dig out the engine covers that have been piled in the corner of the hangar, put the tire chains back on the tow tractor, and apply ICEX to the boots and/or recheck the deicing fluid’s level, if you haven’t fired them in anger lately. Most importantly, you’ll need to refresh your own winter- flying talents and methods.Summertime flying is a much more casual affair. Convective weather notwithstanding, one expects to go on schedule, with little preparation. Airports are always open, daylight is in the majority, ramp attire is the same shirt you wore in the cockpit. Winter, by comparison, demands respect. You had best be prepared, or you’ll be punished.12 • TWIN & TURBINEnever fly over country you aren’t prepared to walk out of.” He meant you should carry a parka, wear boots instead of loafers, have headgear and gloves, and upgrade the survival kit in the baggage compartment. Carry some blankets for the passengers, in case the cabin heat goes inoperative. Take winter seriously.And Then, There’s The WeatherWeather patterns in wintertime move rapidly. You may have one day of ideal CAVU conditions, during which you’ll make plans to go flying tomorrow, replaced the following day by a nasty front, which then turns into another clear day before the next system arrives. Winds, both aloft and on the surface, can be strong and shifting as high pressure and low pressure alternate over a steep gradient. The jet stream dips south of its summer tracks, and triple-digit headwinds play havoc with medium- altitude flight planning.Our airplanes can cover a lot of territory in a few hours, often taking us from one type of air mass to another, so an easy departure might be followed by a tight approach. Going into the northern tier of states requires added preparation and rethinking of one’s options. Flying over or through multiple weather systems can require careful planning. Going east or west canDECEMBER 2015

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