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   EDITOR Rebecca Groom Jacobs EDITORIAL OFFICE 2779 Aero Park Drive Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (231) 946-7770 PUBLISHER Dave Moore PRESIDENT Dave Moore CFO Rebecca Mead PRODUCTION MANAGER Mike Revard PUBLICATIONS DIRECTOR Jake Smith GRAPHIC DESIGNER Marci Moon TWIN & TURBINE WEBSITE ADVERTISING DIRECTOR John Shoemaker Twin & Turbine 2779 Aero Park Drive Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: 1-800-773-7798 Fax: (231) 946-9588 ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR & REPRINT SALES Betsy Beaudoin Phone: 1-800-773-7798 SUBSCRIBER SERVICES Rhonda Kelly Kelly Adamson Jessica Meek Jamie Wilson P.O. Box 968 Traverse City, MI 49685 1-800-447-7367 To change mailing address, email Contents APRIL2020 • VOL. 24, NO. 4 Editor’s Briefing 2 Hangar Community 4 10 Hangar Tech Companies connecting owners to their hangars. by Grant Boyd 18 Five on the Fly with HangarBot's Morgan Walker by Grant Boyd 20 The Joy Behind Charitable Flying As told by volunteer pilots of Angel Flight West. by Steve Danz and Dr. Stuart Bloom 25 On Final 32 Jet or Turboprop: Which is Easier to Fly? by David Miller  by Rebecca Groom Jacobs 3 Airmail Position Report 4 Therapy for Trying Times by Dianne White 6 Barely VMC by Thomas P. Turner 10       Jet Journal 25 Increase Your Plane’s Value in Today’s Marketplace A few thousand dollars spent now can be the difference between the right price and no sale at all. by David Lee From the Flight Deck 28 Don't Quote Me Pilots and ballplayers: If you say it, they will listen. by Kevin Dingman 32      COVER PHOTO: Photo Courtesy of HangarBot Issues of Twin & Turbine are available for free April 2020 / TWIN & TURBINE • 1  Twin & Turbine (ISSN 1945-6514), USPS 24432 is pub- lished monthly by Village Press, Inc. with advertising offices located at 2779 Aero Park Drive, Traverse City, Michigan 49686. Telephone (231) 946-3712. Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. Copyright 2016, Village Press, Inc. Periodical Postage Paid at Traverse City, MI. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Twin & Turbine is distributed at no charge to all registered owners of cabin-class aircraft. The mailing list is updated monthly. All others may subscribe by writing to: Twin & Turbine, P.O. Box 968, Traverse City, MI 49685, or by calling 1-800-447-7367. Rates for the United States and its possessions follow: one year $15.00; two years $29.00. Canadian subscrip- tions are one year $24.00; two years $46.00, including GST tax. Overseas subscriptions are one year $52.00; two years $99.00, U.S. funds. Single copies $6.50. ADVERTISING: Advertising in Twin & Turbine does not necessarily imply endorsement. Queries, questions, and requests for media kits should be directed to the Advertising Director, Twin & Turbine, P.O. Box 968, Traverse City, Michigan 49685. Telephone 1-800-773- 7798. Website: MANUSCRIPTS: Twin & Turbine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photo- graphs, or art work. While unsolicited submissions are welcome, it is best to query first and ask for our Writer’s Guidelines. All unassigned submis- sions must be accompanied by return postage. Address queries and requests for Writer’s Guidelines to the editor.  POSTMASTER: Send address changes and inquiries to Twin & Turbine, Village Press, Inc., P.O. Box 968, Traverse City, MI 49685.   

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