Page 27 - April 20 TNT
P. 27
Jet Journal Increase Your Plane’s Value in Today’s Marketplace A few thousand dollars spent now can be the difference between the right price and no sale at all. by David Lee It’s no surprise that the aircraft sales industry is a highly dynamic and cyclical marketplace. At any given point, one model market can be “on fire” at the same time another market is completely dead. This said, the pre-owned jet marketplace in 2019 softened compared to the previous few years where inventory levels had stayed at healthier numbers. Given the current market conditions, it is critical to present an aircraft in its best possible condition when first introduced to the market. As the adage goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. When a premium aircraft comes to market at a good price, it is much more likely to receive multiple buyer inquiries. And if it’s represented well, it is even more likely that the inquiries will lead to serious interest. Granted, high-pedigree/premium aircraft are the fastest to sell in any market condi- tions, but especially now, taking the right steps to present an aircraft in its best possible condition can add tre- mendous realized value for potential buyers. As we at SOLJETS like to tell our clients selling aircraft: investing $5,000 now can add $50,000 or more to the purchase price when it sells. How often do you see a return on invest- ment like that? The following tips are meant to as- sist an aircraft owner when he or she is ready to put their plane on the mar- ket for sale. Whether or not you use professional representation (dealer/ PHOTOS COURTESY OF SOLJETS broker), it’s best to remove or at least minimize any possible objections buyers may have to purchasing your plane. Ever heard the phrase, “a no- excuses plane”? Well, that’s the goal: eliminate any excuses you may have to offer when advertising your plane. An excuse later down the road in the sale process can be meaningful, costing you much more than it would simply handling pre-sale. Tip #1: Make Your Plane Look Good. This may seem like a simple one, and it is, so there’s really no reason not to make your plane look good. Yes, this can be costly, but it also has the greatest effect on the saleability of your plane. Jet Journal April 2020 / TWIN & TURBINE • 25