Page 41 - April 2015 Volume19 Number 4
P. 41
Upgraded AvionicsThe M500’s new Garmin G1000 avionics suite will feature dual high- resolution 10-inch PFDs and a high- resolution 12-inch MFD, as well as the latest Garmin Software upgrade, along with a GFC700 autopilot with enhanced Autopilot Flight Control System (AFCS), including a number of flight safety features:• Electronic Stability Protection (ESP)• Underspeed Protection (USP), Coupled Go-Around• Expanded Engagement Envelope• Level Mode, AutopilotAuto-Engage• Master caution, master warning, gear position, gear warning incorporated in the G1000Electronic Stability ProtectionElectronic Stability Protection (ESP) helps prevent the onset of stall/spins, steep spirals, and loss- of-control conditions. This passive feature discourages aircraft operation outside the desired flight envelope. ESP functions independently of the autopilot system and only takes effect when the pilot is hand-flying the aircraft with the autopilot disengaged. It works as a soft “barrier” to keep the Piper M500 inside the performance envelope by automatically engaging servos to slightly correct control surface positions when the aircraft exceeds one or more flight parameters –essentially “nudging” it back inside safe parameters.Underspeed ProtectionUnderspeed Protection (USP) is a flight director function that reacts to underspeed conditions in a way that allows the autopilot to remain engaged but prevents the airplane from stalling while the PFD annunciates when active. With stall protections developed as part of the USP system, coupled go-arounds are possible without disengaging the autopilot. With this feature, the autopilot will remain engaged and fly the missed approach. If power is not added, the USP system will maintain a speed just above stall warning, adjusting airplane pitch attitude as required.Automatic Level Mode (Blue Button)The M500 also features an autopilot Level Mode function as standard equipment that, when triggered, will return the aircraft to a wings-level attitude with zero vertical speed. Upon activation, Level Mode will automatically engage the flight director and autopilot functions to return the aircraft to straight-and- level flight. Activating Level Mode cancels all armed and active modes, leaving all other autopilot modes available while the Level Mode is activated, simply by pressing the associated mode control button.Hillaero Modifications CenterSixth Page 4/C AdEN ROUTER.C.AVIONICSExceeding the standardsRC AvionicsTrustworthySixth PageCompetent4/C Ad35 Years ExperienceUp-Grade 763-398-3920•For further information, contact T&TAOPA.................................................................27 Aviation Technology Inc. .....................................19 Avidyne Corporation ...........................................15 B/E Aerospace, Inc.............................................13 Covington Aircraft Engines..................................18 David Clark Company .........................................11 Hillaero .................................................................... 39 LEKTRO, Inc.......................................................28 Micro Aerodynamics Inc. ....................................17 Nashua Flight Simulator......................................11 NBAA........................................31, 35, Back Cover Northeast Air Inc. ...............................................18 Paul Bowen Photography ....................................38Preferred Airparts LLC........................................28 Raisbeck......................................................20, 21 RC Avionics ............................................................. 39 Rockwell Collins ...........................................5, 6, 7 Rocky Mountain Propellers .................................27 Select Airparts ...................................................37 Simcom Training Centers ......................................2 SMARTug...........................................................25 Turbines Inc. ......................................................19 Winner Aviation ..................................................38 Woodland Aviation............................Inside Back Cover Yingling Aviation.................................................17Ad IndexAPRIL 2015TWIN & TURBINE • 39