Page 15 - April 2015 Volume19 Number 4
P. 15

Although automation can take over at this point, hand-flying the PC-12NG is part of the fun and experience. Unlike previous models that felt boxy and heavy, the NG, although still semi-heavy on the controls, feels more steady than cumbersome. With the help of the aileron servo tabs, the airplane rolls much faster and smoother. The one drawback I find is having only electric trim. Call me old fashioned, but I still like to have a manual way of trimming. Nevertheless, with alternate trim and pitch-runaway control, the worry dissipates quickly.The Wild Blue YonderHappily at home at 28,000 feet and 280 kts, generally speaking, the PC-12NG’s ride is smooth and relatively quick. Heading west to east and dipping into the jet stream, ground speeds are often in the mid- to-high 300-kt range. At max power, full fuel, and averaging a 55-gph burn in the high 20,000’s, range is generally upwards of 1,500 nm withB/E Aerospace, Inc Half Page4/C AdAPRIL 2015TWIN & TURBINE • 13

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