Figure 1
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recently posted its preliminary report on the double-fatality crash of a Beechcraft Bonanza in mountainous western North Carolina. Although the airplane involved was neither a twin nor a turbine, the information so far highlights a need that also affects multi-engine, turboprop and jet pilots when departing under IFR from a nontowered airport…and strategies for preventing similar tragedies. The NTSB preliminary report reads:
On October 3, 2021, about 1948 eastern daylight time, a Beech S35, N876T, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Andrews, North Carolina. The private pilot and one passenger were fatally injured.
The pilot, who purchased the airplane in June 2021, was performing a cross-country flight that originated at Liberty Municipal Airport (T78), Liberty, Texas, about 1234 [local time] with the intended destination of Macon County Airport (1A5), Franklin, North Carolina. Due to weather conditions, the pilot diverted to Western Carolina Regional Airport (RHP) in Andrews.
A witness on the ramp, who was also a pilot, reported that the accident pilot entered the left downwind of the traffic pattern for runway 8 from the east and flew north of the runway; however, the published traffic pattern for runway 8 was right-hand traffic due to rising terrain north of the runway. The witness further reported that the pilot’s first approach was too fast, and he performed a go-around. The pilot continued to fly a left traffic pattern and landed on his second attempt. While on the ground at RHP, the pilot purchased 60 gallons of 100 low lead aviation fuel, received a [telephone] weather briefing through Leidos, and filed an instrument flight rules flight plan to Lancaster Airport (LNS), Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Takeoff minimums and obstacle departure procedures for RHP (an uncontrolled airport) required pilots to remain within 3 nautical miles of the airport while climbing in visual conditions to cross the airport westbound at or above 4,900 ft mean sea level (msl). Then climb to 7,000 ft on a heading of 251° to the Harris (HRS) VORTAC 356° radial to HRS before proceeding on course. The procedure is not authorized at night.
…(ADS-B) data indicated that the pilot departed runway 8 and made a slight left turn toward the northeast. The last recorded data point showed the airplane about 3,750 ft, in a 656 ft-per-minute climb at 98 knots, on a course of 042° [a GPS direct course from airport to airport is 049°]. The last ADS-B data point was located about 500 ft laterally from the initial impact with pine trees at an approximate elevation of 3,950 ft. The RHP weather at 1945 included scattered clouds at 1,400 ft, broken clouds at 3,200 ft, and 7 miles visibility in rain. Sunset at Andrews was about 1917 and the end of civil twilight was about 1941.
Initial examination of the accident site and wreckage revealed that all major structural components of the airplane were accounted for. The airplane collided with tall pine trees and continued another 600 ft before colliding with another tree. The wreckage impacted the terrain in a steep, nose low attitude and came to rest inverted. The wing flaps were found in the retracted positions; however, all three landing gear were extended. The pilot held a private pilot certificate with ratings airplane single engine land and instrument airplane. According to a witness, he had recently transitioned from a Piper Warrior equipped with fixed landing gear.

Read the Charts
Many clues to the terrain hazard are readily apparent on the sectional chart (see Figure 1). Note the field elevation at Andrews (1,699 MSL) and the “RP 8” that advised that right traffic is specified for Runway 8. The terrain just north and northeast of the airport rises to nearly 1,000 feet above field elevation almost immediately north of the airport (the 2,500-foot contour line) and to as much as 4,716 MSL (more than 3,000 feet above field elevation) well within the four-mile radius of the magenta-tinted transition area. Yet another clue, the Maximum Elevation Figure (MEF) for the quadrant is 5,900 feet MSL. MFA is the height of the highest obstacle in that quadrant plus 100 feet – or the height of the highest terrain plus 200 feet for obstacles on that terrain that are not required to be reported to the FAA – with either of those values rounded up to the next 100 feet. Somewhere in the quadrant containing KRHP is a point where the airplane must be at least 5,900 feet above sea level to barely clear an obstacle.
None of these clues appear on the IFR Low Altitude Enroute chart, although the Minimum Enroute Altitude (MEA) on the closest airway segment is 7,000 feet. Given that it seems almost nobody uses paper charts anymore, it’s easy (and no more cost) to view the sectional chart on your flight planning device. I personally use the sectional view almost exclusively on my iPad in flight, except when I’m looking for a fix on the Low Altitude Enroute to request to reroute around weather or referencing a terminal procedure for departure or arrival.
For departure, the sectional provides some clues. But for the real story, you need to use the Takeoff Minimums, (Obstacle) Departure Procedures, and Diverse Vector Area (Radar Vectors) list (see Figure 2). This list is under Procedures and then Departure in the Airport information on ForeFlight and similar flight planning apps, it appears as a separate section in the bound instrument approach charts book. (Although I still print out approach charts prior to a flight, I haven’t used the bound chart books since maybe back when we still called them approach “plates”). A “T” in a black triangle on an approach chart indicates there is guidance that may impact your departure.

The Obstacle Departure Procedure (ODP) for KRHD is very specific on how to safely depart under Instrument Flight Rules, especially in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) or at night (see Figure 3). Departing Runway 8, remain in at least one-mile visibility and clear of clouds until 700 feet AGL (approximately 2,400 MSL). Passing 700 AGL, maintain no less than 500 feet below, 1,000 feet above and 2,000 feet laterally from clouds in at least three miles visibility to at least 4,900 MSL. Only then may you enter IMC (if already on a clearance) and proceed in a climb to the VOR, climbing in a hold at the VOR if required to reach 7,900 MSL before proceeding as cleared.
Jeppesen charts make it far easier to find the departure procedure. ODPs are printed on the airport charts themselves, so you don’t have to go looking for them (see Figure 4). Until the advent of flight planning apps the majority of my clients’ owner-flown airplanes were flying with Jepp charts. But the ubiquitous ForeFlight and other tablet-based planning services have shifted most back to the government NOS charts that are included in these apps at no additional cost.
You Have Options
To be sure, flying the ODP is not mandatory unless it is specifically included in an ATC clearance to deconflict that departure with other aircraft. Section 5-2-9 of the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) states:
ODPs provide obstruction clearance via the least onerous route from the terminal area to the appropriate en route structure. ODPs are recommended for obstruction clearance and may be flown without ATC clearance unless an alternate departure procedure (SID or radar vector) has been specifically assigned by ATC…. Pilots operating under 14 CFR Part 91 are strongly encouraged to file and fly a DP at night, during marginal Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) and Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC), when one is available.
A pilot may choose to depart via some other route. But that choice needs to be deliberate after reading all the published guidance. If a pilot intends to pick up his clearance in the air (a very risky strategy under these conditions), it’s doubly important to remain in visual conditions and fly the published ODP.
To depart KRHP under IFR, ATC will likely assume the pilot will follow published ODP and will not include that ODP when issuing a clearance. If an ODP is included in a clearance, it is mandatory that it be flown. This is usually to deconflict the departing airplane with other IFR traffic in the area, not for terrain clearance. If ATC cleared the pilot “direct” to his destination (or by any other route), the clearance automatically grants the pilot authority to fly the ODP first, and when at the place and altitude where the ODP ends, then fly the cleared route. The actual departure would look very different from taking off and turning direct on course.
Instead of flying the ODP, according to NTSB’s preliminary data, the pilot departed Runway 8, made a slight left turn northeast almost “GPS direct”-ly toward his destination in dark, rainy conditions. The airplane climbed through scattered clouds toward a higher, broken layer and flew more or less directly into terrain shortly afterward.
Of course, as the NTSB preliminary report points out, none of this is authorized at night. It was officially nighttime when the pilot departed on his short, final flight. According to Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 1, Definitions and Abbreviations, night is defined as the time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight. The end of civil twilight was seven minutes before the crash.
Getting Out
A twin or a turbine-powered airplane may have had the climb capability to safely take off and turn directly on course – perhaps. That does not remove the need to read the charts and check for ODPs, and deliberately decide whether to fly the ODP or fly a planned alternative that works at least as well. And if that twin loses an engine or a cargo door pops open, or a priority passenger announces right after takeoff that an important item was left in the FBO or rental car – or any other reason a sudden need to return to the airport occurs, the pilot needs to know how to avoid colliding with terrain.
Whether you believe it should be or not (and I believe it should, as a crosscheck), ATC is not responsible for monitoring whether a particular instrument procedure is authorized or not authorized (NA). It’s your responsibility as pilot-in-command to determine how to safely depart under IFR and whether a procedure you request or use is authorized at the time. To get out of a nontowered airport under IFR, read the charts and the ODPs.