‘Twas the night before May first, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, Patty and Peaches asleep on the couch
Foreflight on the iPad by the chimney with care
In preparation for my first flight in six weeks though I dare
I sprang to my car for the drive to Dallas Love
Donned in my flight suit and face mask and gloves
When what to my wondering eyes did appear
But a solemn, lonely King Air standing tall on its gear
The FBO was empty not a person in sight
The ramp deserted in the morning’s first light
As I copied my clearance from the guy with ATC
A single Southwest Boeing was all I could see
Delta Mike cleared as filed radar vectors to Mesquite
A 20-mile flight to exercise my fleet
Now Dasher now Dancer now Prancer now Vixen
Up came the throttles as I taxied into position
Left turn one hundred climb and maintain three
Contact departure on twenty-four tree
To the top of the clouds to the top of the mist
As I grabbed the heading bug and gave it a twist
Cleared ILS one eight call tower twenty point three
All alone in the airspace only the controller and me
My first landing since March was really quite good
On this strange COVID morning as all pilots understood
Fly safe.