• February 2020, On Final
• April 2020, On Final
It sounds like a pretty easy question, right? Maybe not. The answer depends on when your airplane was designed. The newer the...
• May 2020, On Final
“November seven three zero Juliet Alpha, will you need a runup at the end?” I was ready for the question from Love ground control...
• June 2020, On Final
• July 2020, On Final
No, not the disease. I have been lucky there. But our esteemed Twin & Turbine contributor, Rich Pickett, did just that and has...
• August 2020, On Final
“I will have to shut down the GPU for a few minutes,” yelled the line guy on the Signature ramp. Darkness and heavy mist hung in the...
• On Final, September 2020
• October 2020 Issue, On Final
She must have walked by the tiny children’s play table a hundred times, muttering something under her breath. My wife Patty was stressed....
• December 2020 Issue, On Final
“Gunnison Crested Butte Regional Airport, automated weather observation one three zero seven Zulu, wind calm, visibility one zero, sky...
• Highlight, June 2021 Issue, On Final
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