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For Sale: 2018 Duke, $2.07 Million
For a two- or three-hour flight in all weather, while hauling four people and luggage at 20,000 feet and 210 kts (65 per- cent), the Duke is a great value. If you calculate a 4 percent annual price increase (cost of labor, material, and inflation) the 2018 Duke, if it existed, would sell for about $2.07 million. Something to think about when they currently sell for $90- 400,000. Without reservations or crowds to negotiate, without fellow passengers’ knees in our backs or elbows touching ours and without the oversight of TSA, GA is a freedom-enhancing and time-saving privilege that successful entrepreneurs have used for decades. I thoroughly enjoy the privileges provided by my 69’ Model 60 Duke. An original print ad from Beech- craft pictured a Duke taxiing behind a follow-me at the FBO. The headline read, “This is the only time your pressurized Duke will play follow-the-leader.” I’ve had approach control direct other twins to make a 360 to make room for a “fast- moving Duke.” And every flight I hear, “nice Duke” from someone on the ramp or radio when they see the shapely airplane on the field. The folks at Beech got it right because the Duke gets the job done in all-weather and looks great while doing it – despite folklore to the contrary. Just ask any Duke meister.
Author’s Note:
Thank you, Ray, Susan, Bob, Ab, Doreen and the volunteers for an exceptional gather- ing. For those DFA members not in atten- dance, please make a spot in your schedule for next year and join us! Prospective mem- bers and those looking for more information may visit
Short N Numbers
Sixth Page B/W Ad
Rocky Mountain Propellers
Sixth Page B/W Ad
Rosen 4/C Ad
Kevin Dingman has been flying for more than 40 years. He’s an ATP typed in the B737 and DC9 with 23,000 hours in his logbook. A retired Air Force major, he flew the F-16 and later performed as an USAF Civil Air Patrol Liaison Officer. He flies volunteer mis- sions for the Christian organiza- tion Wings of Mercy, is employed by a major airline, and owns and operates a Beechcraft Duke. Contact Kevin at
November 2018 TWIN & TURBINE • 35

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