Page 4 - Volume 15 Number 11
P. 4

editor’sbriefingDianne White, our long- time editor of Twin & Turbine, called me the week before NBAA to resign that position – she had accepted her dream job as the Vice President of Communications for Cessna. My first reaction was, Holy cow, that’sawesome. My second thought was, Holy cow, what will we do without her? It is certainly an incredible opportunity for Dianne, and it speaks to the sort of thoughts and opinions we – and she – have been delivering to you for most of the past decade, a confirmation of our industry leadership. That prideful thought trumped all of my self-preservation instincts.After the phone call, Dianne provided a roster of amazing candidates as possible replacements. After phone interviews and personal visits, we asked LeRoy Cook to take the yoke of Twin & Turbine magazine.LeRoy has been a long-time contributor to Twin & Turbine, and his qualifications are “off the charts” (as my kids would say). More importantly, his interest in becoming Dianne’s replacement is reflected in his love of flight instruction. He has flown for 50 years, piloted over 220 distinct types of aircraft, and his badge of honor is having logged more than 10,000 hours as an instructor. LeRoy’s a true aviator, a passionate instructor, writer and editor. And, now the self preservation part: We’re thrilled to be delivering LeRoy’s thoughts, insights, and leadership to you each month.I’ve asked LeRoy to share some of his thoughts:“You deserve to know who you’re riding with, so a brief introduction is in order. I’ve been a pilot for more than 50 years, I hold a couple of ATPs and a few instructor’s ratings, and I’ve been living and breathing aviation ever since I was a kid.Writing about airplanes simply came along as a continuation of teaching;I’ve simply written about what I’ve seen and heard from hanging out with the rest of you. I’ve seen a lot of changes and met a lot of wonderful people over the years, and I’ve also noticed that many things in aviation don’t change but need continual re-exposure.There’s no way I can be a replacement for Dianne White; she’s a one-of-a-kind class act, and all I can do is try to follow the path she’s established at this post. Dianne had high standards here, as Twin & Turbine readers deserve. Our goal will be to inform and entertain, to give you something to hang onto with every issue and to keep you up to date on what’s happening in the world of owner-flown twin-engine and turbine-powered airplanes.”Congratulations, Dianne! You did an amazing job for our readers.And welcome, LeRoy – I’m sure T&T is in good hands.Dave Moore, PublisherThanks, Dianne22 • TE NOVEMBER 2011WWIIN &&&&TT T TUUURRBBIINNE

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