Page 7 - March22T
P. 7

 Aero LED
 light-to-moderate continuous bumps. As I transitioned the Denver Class B airspace to KBJC, which can get busy, my girlfriend urgently announced that she was about to toss her cookies. I reached behind me and pulled out the only thing handy: a 1-quart Ziploc of dubious vintage.
As I turned final, she relieved herself of her breakfast burrito, closed the Ziploc and tucked it under her seat. It wasn’t until we were at the hotel that I thought to ask her whether she happened to throw away the Ziploc. Nope, it was still in the plane, now fermenting on the 95-degree airport ramp. I swear I could hear my dad laughing as I raced to the airport to fetch that wretched bag before it exploded.
While our aircraft may not be pristine all the time, my husband and I have tremendous pride of ownership. There’s nothing more satisfying than opening your hangar door to a gleaming, spotless airplane without a speck on the carpet. See, Dad, your example did pay off. Just don’t look too closely at the trunk of my car...
 Dianne White is the executive director of MMOPA and editor of MMOPA Magazine. For a total of 14 years, she was editor of Twin & Turbine and has worked in the business aviation industry for nearly 30 years. She also serves on the board of directors for Angel Flight Central. An active multi-engine, instrument-rated pilot, Dianne lives in Northwest Arkansas and can be reached at
 Ocean Reef

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