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ties are shown to be not clinically sig- nificant, the time, expense and anxiety associated with obtaining the required re-evaluation tests and exams can be avoided by simple preparation.
Before the medical exam you should be well rested and should avoid high- sugar meals, caffeine, tobacco, ibupro- fen, decongestants and stimulant type medications. Also, meals high in sugar may cause an erroneous result in the urinalysis. Complex carbohydrates (green vegetables, whole grains and beans) and proteins before the exam will stabilize blood sugars. These rec- ommendations will also help in achiev- ing normal and consistent EKG results.
Something is Going to Blow
With any luck, these pearls of wisdom have convinced you to monitor your BP and to keep it in the normal (<120) range; maybe even buy a blood pressure monitor. They range from $30 to $90 for an automatic, electronic version. I’d get one with an arm cuff instead of for the wrist; they’re more accurate.
Read food labels, stop eating salt, get your BMI where it belongs and have a few delicious green salads with sunflower seeds, chicken and beans before your next physical. Similar to running your engines at redline, with high BP, eventually something is going to blow. Remember, even if you stop eating bugs, tree sap and stress for breakfast, and even if you don’t add salt to your crew meal, high blood pressure is something you can’t just pee on and walk away. T&T
Kevin Dingman has been flying for more than 40 years. He’s an ATP typed in the B737 and DC9 with 23,000 hours in his logbook. A retired Air Force ma- jor, he flew the F-16 and later performed as an USAF Civil Air Patrol Liaison Officer. He flies volunteer missions for the Christian organization Wings of Mercy, is employed by a major airline, and owns and operates a Beechcraft Duke. Contact Kevin at dinger10d@
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