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   Editor’s Pics
by Lance Phillips
  Back in December of 2013 (I can’t believe it has almost been ten years), I was looking for some compelling photo opportunities, and, well, Wichita, Kansas, just isn’t one of those places you think of when trying to come up with unique, photogenic locations.
But let’s back it up a little. A year or so earlier, I had been itching to up my camera game (if you consider up- grading from a phone camera upping my game, that is). I watched lots of YouTube videos about tech stuff, and one guy seemed to have a good handle on the techy world, Marques Brownlee. At the time (and to this day), Marques
28 • TWIN & TURBINE / June 2023
was pumped up about a little camera from Sony, the RX100. It wasn’t inexpensive, so it took some thought to consider if a purchase was the right path, so I did more research. It turned out that the tiny point-and-shoot was getting rave reviews from everyone. Somehow Sony had packed a lot of the capabilities of its larger, pro-level cameras into the RX100 and kept the size small. The lens fully retracts into the camera’s body, which is small enough to fit in a pocket. The one-inch sensor and Zeiss zoom lens are phenomenal. I took the plunge into digital photography with that RX100. In 2013, Sony was on the Mark II version. Currently, they’re

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