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28 • TWIN & TURBINE July 2018
The highest art form of all is
a human being in control of himself and his airplane in flight, urging the spirit
of a machine to match his own.
– Richard Bach
GA singles, three military jets, four different airliners and one Duke, I’ve tried to put passion into flying them all. Sometimes a small crowd may gather as you weave your passionate tales about flying – especially if “Danger Zone” is playing in the background. Trust that your knowledge, experience and passion for flying will carry the conversation.
In the eyes of aviation newbies, you can do no wrong because you are a pilot. You should take comfort in your level of aviation knowledge. Pilots are a fastidious group of high achievers bent on the study and
promotion of facts, precision, safety, the truth and pulling our bacon out of the fire if that’s where we find ourselves. And we’re passionate about being in the air. It’s best that newbies and any greenhorn media types hear and see that right from the start. We are trained to take whatever measures are necessary and prudent in order to ensure the safe completion of a flight. We are in command with the authority to do whatever it takes. This means we also have the responsibility to know exactly whatever it takes is; no more, no less. To face this responsibility, pilots must study, train, learn from others and practice constantly. Then, if all goes according to plan, we can indulge our visceral senses by looking out the window at sights, sounds and smells that no other ground-bound mortal will ever see or feel – and occasionally, we save the bacon.
A Horse is a Horse
In the Beginning.... Call me Ishmael.... It was the best of times.... In 1926 I was enrolled as a student airline pilot.... As we pass between layers of cloud...
These words were used to begin some of the most recounted and influential literature in history (well, the last two by Antoine De Saint Exupery and Ernie Gann if you’re a pilot). As we preach and promote flying, we should choose our words as resolutely as we are able. “Proper” grammar is a moving target and our words don’t have to be perfectly poignant, only purposefully passionate. We need only make sure t•hat they come from the heart and with fewer alliterative phrases than this article. And as much as is possible from us exaggeration prone, story-telling pilots, not from the butt end of a horse. T&T
Kevin Dingman has been flying for more than 40 years. He’s an ATP typed in the B737 and DC9 with 23,000 hours in his logbook. A retired Air Force major, he flew the F-16 and later performed as an USAF Civil Air Patrol Liaison Officer. He flies volunteer missions for the Christian organization Wings of Mercy, is employed by a major airline, and owns and operates a Beechcraft Duke. Contact Kevin at dinger10d@
Pilots N Paws® is an online meeting place for pilots and other volunteers
who help to transport rescue animals by air. The mission of the site is to provide a user- friendly communication venue between those that rescue, shelter, and foster animals; and pilots and plane owners willing to assist with the transportation of these animals.
Joining is easy and takes just a minute of your time.
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