Page 22 - Jan23T
P. 22

ASI Auxiliary Heading Selector
by Dale Smith
 Sooner or later, every pilot will deal with an AOG (aircraft on ground) situation. And while all AOGs are a pain-in-the-aft
section, the ones that really drive you up a wall are the nonsensical ones like burnt-out light bulbs or broken switches.
Take a failed heading selector, for example. It’s hard to find a King Air pilot who hasn’t reached up on the panel to change a heading only to have that innocuous little switch break. No switch means no flying.
Fortunately, Aerospace Systems International (ASI) has developed an FAA STC to install an auxiliary heading select switch (AHS) in the pedestal of Collins Pro Line 21 and
ASI’s pedestal-mounted auxiliary heading selector for Collins Pro Line 21 and Collins Fusion-equipped King Air B200- and B300-series aircraft.

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