What started out as an innovative experimental single-engine turbo-prop in 2005 is now the newest ncertified turboprop, the Epic Aircraft E1000. After a seven-year effort to certify their aircraft, Epic has achieved a great milestone. Epic CEO Doug King stated they wanted to achieve a high-performance turboprop without compromises, and is proud of their achievement.
The E1000 makes extensive use of composites, featuring an all carbon fiber design. The plane is powered by a Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-67A and boasts a maximum cruise speed of 325 KTAS, an economy cruise of 285 KTAS and a maximum operating ceiling of 34,000 feet. The E1000
features a maximum cruise range of 1,385 nm, and after a power reduction to economy cruise, results in an impressive increase to 1,650 nm.

I’ve spent some time in the E1000 mockup and it offers a comfortable passenger cabin, with six seats and a full fuel payload of 1,100 pounds. This payload offers great mission flexibility, with the ability to carry an impressive load of passengers and baggage over long distances at high altitude. The cockpit, featuring the Garmin G1000 NXi avionics suite, is well designed, with a curved lower panel. To improve passenger comfort, the Epic E1000 also provides a relatively high pressurization differential of 6.6 pounds per square inch (PSID).
With an initial order book of 80 E1000s, Epic Aircraft is in the process of completing the first seven production aircraft. In order to accommodate the demand, they have doubled their composite fabrication capacity. With more than 300 full-time employees staffing two production shifts, they are planning to start deliveries before the end of this year. Epic Aircraft expects to have its production certificate in hand during the first quarter of 2020.